Fundamentals of Drawing Class
- For those who “can’t draw a straight line or a circle.” (The 2 hardest things to draw!)
Imagine a pleasant sunny day at the park. You are seated relaxed in your favorite outdoor lounge chair, with your sketch pad propped in your lap. In one hand you have your favorite drawing utensil while not too far from the other hand is your beverage of choice. As you take a leisurely sip you look around and suddenly notice a Great Dane sitting on the grass watching its’ master relaxing under a tree reading a book. Suddenly inspiration washes over you like a wave. Instinctively you begin making bold strokes on the paper with quick, deft motions. After what seems like only a little while you look with a critical eye at your latest masterpiece; pleased at how you were able to capture on paper the strong bond between the dog and its owner.
Oh; but, this did not happen overnight.
Now looking back, you congratulate yourself that at least you chose not to take this journey alone. We have all heard it. You know; the saying about how a thousand mile journey begins with one step. Remembering how when you first decided to learn to draw you had come home from your local art store and with great expectations had opened up your new sketchbook and eagerly picked up your graphite pencil and suddenly realized; at that moment, the scariest thing in the world was that big white piece of paper. It was at that moment you realized you were going to need to get some guidance.
Thus the journey really started when you decided you needed to take some drawing lessons.
When you arrived for your first Saturday Morning drawing class you were armed with the supplies you had purchased based on the supply list you received when you had signed up. Over the next few weeks; as you had started to familiarize yourself with the various types of graphite pencils and their uses by creating different marks and textures, you were surprised to learn that even a little thing like how to hold your pencil could make such an impact on your drawing abilities. (You were even finally able to create perfect circles and straight lines.)
It was not long after that you were learning how to simplify your drawing by breaking it down into manageable sized “chunks” and letting major components “inform you” where they should be placed on the page. As you learned to draw by finding the “rhythms” of your subject matter; you found yourself getting excited when you realized your compositions no longer looked like Humpty Dumpty after he was put back together again. Now your compositions have a naturally elegant and graceful flow that is easy on the eyes. Thinking on having chosen to sign up here you cannot help but be reminded how a couple of other students have commented how they had taken several drawing lessons at another Tucson drawing studio and how they were now learning things that they never learned there and that now their art looks so much better.
As you are now sitting in the park reflecting on all you were able to learn you realize that perhaps the most important takeaway from your drawing lessons was truly learning all the 70 plus, mental drawing tools, that once you were able to combine them enabled you to naturally see and think like an Artist. Having learned those tools has truly equipped you so that you now can enjoy a Saturday in the park easily and effortlessly drawing those things that inspire you.
"I’ve only been coming to class for a couple of months and my drawing has improved so much! My portraits used to resemble reasonably attractive people, but now they actually look like the people I am drawing."
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could be the person in this story? I invite you to imagine what if that person was you? Where would you be on that pleasant Saturday morning and what would you be drawing? As you find yourself considering what could be possible I want you to know that I would love to join you on your journey of making those dreams a reality for you. When you realize that you want to improve your drawing skills feel free to contact me. Now if you have already decided you want to begin this journey then let’s get you registered for your first class.
Drawing Class days and times
Thursdays 2:30pm-5:30pm ~ Oro Valley Community Center
Saturdays 9:00am-NOON ~ Oro Valley Community Center
$175/month (4 week month)
$220/month (5 week month)
Sign up 2 weeks before a new month, & get $10 OFF monthly classes!
Moderate homework, discretionary to the student
Saturdays 9:00am-NOON ~ Oro Valley Community Center
$175/month (4 week month)
$220/month (5 week month)
Sign up 2 weeks before a new month, & get $10 OFF monthly classes!
Moderate homework, discretionary to the student
Student art gallery |